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IP网络干扰抖动时延模拟器 —— NetDisturb

NetDisturb软件是一个网络模拟器软件(IPv4和IPv6)生成用户定义的干扰障碍:如延时、抖动,带宽限制,数据包的丢失、重复、修改内容和其它更多的个性化设置…  NetDisturb允许干扰流动通过IP网络帮助研究应用程序的行为,“打扰”网络中的设备或服务环境。NetDisturb插入两个以太网段之间充当桥梁和运营双向数据包传输以太网、快速以太网和千兆网络接口卡。NetDisturb software is a network emulator software (IPv4 & IPv6) generating user-defined impairments: latency, delay, jitter, bandwidth limitation, loss, duplication, modification of the pa


Traffic generator 10Mbps to 10Gbps -LanTraffic V2

法国ZTI公司发布的产品,上海图智通讯科技有限公司是中国区独家代理商。LanTraffic V2 is a traffic generator software for Windows platforms from 10Mbps up to 10Gbps (max performance with x64 platforms) using different protocols:– UDP (User Datagram Protocol)– TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)– ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)– SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)LanTraffic


QoE | QoS用户感知与服务质量测试方案 iQualNet

iQualNet software is QoS (Quality of Service) and QoE (Quality of Experience) measurement tool for IPv4 and IPv6 networks. This tool runs on Windows platform clients and can be used for measurement on any type of IP network: fixed, mobile, satellite, WiFi, WiMAX, PLC and more…To measure End-to-End QoS and QoE parameters, iQualNet uses real applications
